Sunday, 7 November 2010

When the metal runs out

Well with my Big Mek well on the way to be finished I was suddenly struck by a burst of inspiration.

The big mek like all good bosses would have a underling to deal with all of those little jobs that he wouldn't want to deal with, or those little scraps that he doesn't want to turn up for.

So I needed another Mek. Just painting astandard mek from the Lootas sprue was too unorginal, the metal mek was out and I didn't want a Mek who would be on foot. So that left me with the option of mounting him on a bike.

But just mounting him a regular warbike seemed unimaginative, as afterall I'm building this army to try and show off my conversion skills. So I started pondering what options the second best mek in the army would have. All the best materials would be going towards project for the Boss and whatever was left over, well the Big Mek would have first dibs on that.

So what a mek too do? Well if you happen to have some metal, a lot of wiring a boar and a Paintboy who owes you a favour you could do this.

Yes, I found inspiration in a very old Ork codex and decided to mount the mek on a boar! I used the boar from the Ork Fantasy sprue and with a lot of green stuff and some wires you can see the result. I had to use the leg from the fantasy sprue which I'm not totally happy about as they don't quite look the part but the rest of him has come out quite well.
As you mayhave guessed he's still a work in progress. In gaming terms he will "count as" a warbike, although he doesn't conform to wysiwig I'm just going to hope that whoever I would be playing againist would just let it go and enjoy playing againist a pretty darn good orky army.
Of course now I've done one I do have all of the other boars in my bitz box.
Hmm, I feel a converted bike unit coming on

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