Friday, 26 November 2010

WeirdBoy, weird boy watcha gonna do

Well I was debating adding one more HQ choice to my army and after some pondering I decided to try converting a Weirdboy.

Gw only do one model of a weirdboy and he's made of metal so he was unfortunatly out!

I wanted to go for a savage "look" for my weirdboy and so decided to look at the Warhammer range of Orcs for inspiration.

After some deliberation I decided to go with the Orc Warboss set as I liked the look of the chainmail torse and the long cloak with wolf head.

A little search in the old bitz box and I ended up with.
One plastic weirdboy. The head is from the Ork Boyz sprue as well as the two Ork skulls and the staff is from the Ork Grotz sprue. I did try and create a staff with wiring wrapped round to give the impression of the staff contained a psyhic conduit for powers but I couldn't get it quite right, so I decded to go for the less is more approach and keep it simple.

I feel he's okay but I'm not as happy with him as I could be, I just have a feeling that there's something missing. But he'll do until I get the inspiration to come up with a replacement.

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