Thursday, 18 November 2010

Becoming a heretic

I've been model making for a long time. Perhaps too long depending on who you ask, but that's a discussion for another time and place. And quite possibly behind my back but I digress.

My focus has been Games Workshop for nearly all of that time, with a slight foray into Historical minatures. For obivous reasons for those of you who have been paying attention I've kept my attention on Games Workshop despite being aware of the growing numbers of wargames manufacturers out there and hopefully the wraith of the inquistion won't fall on my head for saying so, the viable alternatives to Warhammer 40,000.

However since I now live in the real world I can start to explore these other games without worrying about the Battle sisters coming to my door, which is also a good thing as with the loss of my discount and the steadly increasing prices I'm starting to find it hard to indulge my hobby cravings as much as I used to even with more money coming in.

Visting my local wargames shop I decided to let my eyes make the decision and I went for the first thing which caught my eye.
Behold one of hte new plastic warjacks from Privateer press and their game Warmachine. Now I literally know nothing about this game but there was something about this model which just made me want to pick it up and try putting it together.

According to the guys in the shop Privateer press are starting to release a steadily increasing number of plastic minatures. Now I say " plastic" but it's a different plastic then I'm used to with Games Workshop. It's a lot harder but it allows quite frankly a stunning amount of detail. Just see all of the details on the bits above.

The other issue is you need superglue to put these models together which is little bit more time consuming then using plastic glue and does mean you have to pay a lot more attention to what your doing as gluing your hand to the table is a bad thing to do. Not to mention a silly thing to do. Not that I've done that before at all.........
Right where was I? Right good things about the model, firstly the amazing level of detail. Secondly the lack of significant models lines and thirdly the ease with which it went together.
Bad things, well having to use super glue, secondly the addition work needed to get rid of mould lines due to the hardness of the plastic and last the warped gun arm. To be fair with the last one that could have happened in the box but not having used the plastic before I didn't know how much "oommph" I could use to try and straight it again without breaking it. I was able to get it fairly into line but it's still a bit scewed.

So here he is fully aseembled and undercoated. My first ever warjack! I'm going to a bit of experimenting to try and match the colour scheme using GW paints as I don't want to have to go out and buy a whole new set.
I'll be posting some more pics soon so be sure to keep an eye out.

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