Thursday, 27 January 2011

When funds run low

I was looking at the latest round of advance orders to go up on the Games Workshop website and I came to the unpleasent conclusion that their prices have now reached a tipping point. I simply can not longer afford to keep buying as much as I used to of their products.

Now this means I can either just stop collecting full stop ( my Dad would be thrilled) or I can cut back and concentrate on other models outside of GW, as I find painting and modelling very relaxing and seeing as I don't have the money to keep a personal massage therapist on call I still need this relaxing outlet after a long day at work.

But where to turn?

I've already tried Privateer Press but I'm yet to find that " cool" factor to get me and keep me hooked. So I decided to have a look at the latest releases from Warlord Games. I do have a start of a Roman army knocking around in the loft which came from Warlords Roman range, which was intended to feature in a historical version of "tale of Four gamers" which unfortunatly went the way of a lot of good ideas. Straight into the bin.

I was tempted to go back to my Romans but I saw something else which caught my eye and appealed to my inner kid. Warlord have just released a set of plastic British infantry from WWII.

Now the first thing I noticed was the cost. It cost £20 for 25 figures, which works out as a very impressive 80 pence per figure. Especially when you compare it to the cost of one of the GW plastic kits which is £2.30 per figure!
Now the first thing I noticed was the sheer number of bitz you get on the sprues, a substantional increase from what get on the Roman sprues. The next thing I noticed was that you actually get bases in this set. Which delighted me no end as it was slightly annoying having to get bases together when building my Romans.

I decided to try building one lot of five soldiers first. Now the first thing I noticed was that the mould lines on the figures were not bad at all. However the next thing I noticed was that all of the pieces were quite small and fiddley which meant I uttered one or two swear words during construction.
However I quickly realised that they only seemed really small due to my years of experiences with GW kits and once I got the hang of the pieces the five soldiers went together very quickly.

Now as I was only building them for fun not for actual gaming I decided to make one officer, a bren gunner, another with a sten gun, another with a Tommy gun and finally two guys with regular rifles.
So they went together easily enough. Lets see how easy they are too paint.

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