Thursday, 27 January 2011

Death from Above

So being on Holiday this week I have been steadily sorting through my bitz box to see what I could find and what I could build.

Now I have a salamanders army up in the attic which I had started after reading Nick Kymes Salamanders series of novels. Strangely enough most of that army has come from my various bitz boxes as I had not intention of starting the army but I found myself inspired after reading the novels.

Now it's probably going to be one of those armies that will never be finished because as soon as I think I have finished it, another novel comes out and I'm soon hit with another round of inspiration.

However in this case the inspiration came from re-reading the second novel. I realised that I didn't have any fast attack units in my Army. However I didn't just want to go for a regular unit of Assault marines, I decided I wanted a unit of Vanguard veterans.
Rather then just using the regular assault Marine legs I used the legs from the Sanguinary guard, to give their armour that more of a "ancient and worked on by artificiers" look. Of course as these guys would be veterans they need their firedrake cloaks, which came from the Dark Elf Corsir sprue. I made sure to try and postion them as carefully as possible to fit the models stance, otherwise they would just look odd.

Finding a spare wolf sprue, I was able to give the Sgt twin lighting claws that were both plastic! It still baffles me as to why they only put one lighting claw on the Space Marine commander sprue but c'est la vie.

Now for the final touch I added flames to each of their shoulder pads using green stuff. I have previously attempted to paint fire on the shoulder pads but it never came out quite right. In fact it looked so bad it actually came out left.........

Get it? No? anyone? alright moving on.

I found that my using greenstuff it's actually fairly easy to sculpt a rough approximation of flames, and the texture of the greenstuff makes it a lot easier to paint the flames in as well. Now with my painting skills they'll never look perfect but it's still better then it was.

I'll be sure to post some pics of the finished unit soon

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