However I decideed that the dreadnought as it stood was not quite what I wanted to lead this formation as it was " straight out of the box" as it were. So I decided to invest in a second dreadnought.
To make him different from the first dreadnought I decided to do a couple of things differently. Firstly I used the "long eye slit" from for the main body and added the lense that comes with the sprue. But I then also added two more lenses using the technique I have found successful of pushing a small blob of green stuff through one of the sights from the Ork Infantry Sprue. So I'm not sure what you would call something with three eyes but that's what this dreadnought has.
Secondly I cut the attachment points away from the shoulder and army guards allowing me to attach them more securely to the Dreadnought. I've never like the support pieces for these shoulder pads. In fact with my first dreadnought the support staped on one of the pads when Iw as putting the dreadnought in the carry case for the very first time!
By cutting the support it's reduced the height of the Dreadnought slightly but signifcantly increased the look of it's overall bulk and thus menance.
And here's my new Lead Dreadnought in his (almost) painted glory.
So to solve this problem I decided to think like a Ork. On the back of the Dreadnought are two distinct engine blocks. So I moved all four of the exhausts to one block and carefully trimmed the top out of the other block which gave me just enough room to slot in a piece of plastic rod. Which gave me a solid base to the generator "stack" and also made it look part of the "design" of the Dreadnought. Well as much as you can call anything the Orks make "designed!
For the top of the stack I used four Tau gun drones stacked on top of each other. A couple of aerials and a lot of wire and as the meerkat would say