Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Ramming speed!

With the captain of the looted wagon "ready for action" I turned my attention to the second crew member, the wagons "first mate". I decided to use the nobz sprue again and one of the heads from the maximini sets I had ordered.

And here he is. Once thing I have noticed is that the white resin Maxi Mini used is annoyingly hard to photograph! Still he should look pretty awesome finished.

So Crew finished it was time to turn my attention to the final major section of the wagon that needed working on. The engines! I did try and see if I could fit the engine from the Ork Trukk on anywhere but it didn't look right and would have seemed too "obivously" stuck on for want of a better term.

I suddenly realised there was a much more obivous solution as the raider already came with "rocket" style engines anyway. So all I needed was to add some more rockets to give it that Orky feel, of the crew simply pointing the wagon at the enemy, lighting the rockets and then hoping for the best.

For the extra rockets I used too packs from the stormboyz sprue which fitted into the gaps between the raider hull and the Ork Trukk chasis surprisingly easy. Now I know that the raider isn't quite "straight" but no looted wagon is ever going to come out of the Meks workshop perfect and I'm sure the Mekyboz simply told his customers that the wagon came with " sporty handling"

So here is the wagon in it's almost finished glory, complete with Kaptain and first mate. In case anyone is wondering the blobs of green stuff will be "lights". The one main thing I have left to do is drill out the heavy stubber barrels and added a couple more bits of wiring to represent the Mekyboyz "Kustomz improvementz".
Then all I'll have to do it paint it!

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Try, try and try again

Okay so my first attempt at converting a Ork in Mega Armour wasn't exactly a rousing success. but I wasn't going to give up that easy. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to match the detail of the metal models so I decided to go for the overall look instead and hope it impressed enough that people wouldn't notice the lack of pistons, hydralics etc on the legs.

Now my first attempt had looked like he had simply stepped into a box and then pulled it up like a child. So this time I decided to use smaller bits of plasti card and created a "multi" piece armour look that while not near, fitted the " made from scrap" Ork image.
To convey the idea of hydralics I decided to fall back on the good ole tanks from the Ork Loota sprue turned side ways and mounted on the Orks back. I used simple wire in connections from the tank to the Combi and power weapons. To finish bulking the armour out I used Space marine shoulder pads for somewhat unsurprisingly the shoulders. ( just don't ask what happened to the should pads original owners).
The back armour, heads and jaw plates came from the Ork Nobz sprue and didn't need any additional converting. The combi weapons were relatively simple. I used a bit of plastic card for the arm "mount" and green stuff for the straps. I made sure to add ammo feeds and targeting sights and no ork Nobz in Mega armour would settle for a gun that was second best.

So here is the full strength squad ready to lead the boyz into battle and guard the Bosses back, or maybe stick a knife in it depending on their mood :-)
I'm really happy with how they came out and think their the best converted squad I've done thus far.
Plus I still have a ton of stuff from their sprue left over to go into the bitz box. Bonus!

It's a little dusty but it's still good

Deep in the dark mists of time, when I still working in a rather geeky job and didn't have to go to work dressed up as a grown up or worry about the real world good ole GW released Apocolypse.

Finally a way to use all of your collection on the tabletop in one go. You could play massed battles like you had only dreamed of and most people did.... and then got bored and went back to regular games.

In the midst of these heady days I decided to add a couple of apocolypse units to my Ork Army. Well a stompa was pretty much a given but what else?

After much umming and arring I settle on going for a battle fortress using the new Shadowsword kit.

So after a bit of work in the Meks workshop we get....
I was initially stuck on how to create the main gun for the fortress as there were lots of gun pieces in the shadowsword kit. I finally decided to go for the easy option. I used all of them in one go! Of course such a big gun would have need a lot of bracing as I'm sure you can see from the picture.

The exhausts at the back were a mix of plasti rod and the exhausts vents from the adeptus mechanicum city fight building.
The two "inside" track guards at the front of the fortress are the wheel coverings from the Ork warbuggy. The Turret well that's obivously from the Ork battlewagon sprue. To attach it to the top of the tank I used the mounting from the Ork battle wagon sprue as well although it did require a little bit of filing to get the perfect fit.
I used the two side pieces from the Ork Battlewagon sprue to mount the two gunnars and to finish the crew off I added a Mekboy to keep an eye to make sure the engine was running perfectly and some grots pulling ammo crates back and forth.
It didn't turn out too badly if I do say so myself. I just need to play an apocolype game at some point so I can actually use it in a fight!